The New Synergistic Research Purple Fuses

This thread is intended for those who are actually using the new SR Purple Fuses. In my system, they are a significant improvement over the SR Orange fuses. What are your impressions? 


Just a quick update regarding the Power House Zero 2 I installed in my power conditioner.

It's called Power House for a reason, the sound is just so powerful.

Sounded terrible for the first 20 hours or so then snapped into a beautiful, glorious and powerful yet delicate rendering.

It's still wavering though, going back and forth, finding it's feet.

It's a BIG sound and the improvements are in no way subtle. There's no way you're going to be scratching your head and wondering about differences.

This fuse is going to take at least another few days to break in, if not a week!

Nevertheless enjoying the experience.

Mine is finally broken in. Generally sounds great, but bass and low midrange are quite tubby and exaggerated which eats up a lot the soundstage. The bass rides way up into the midrange and is quite heavy handed and very weighty. It doesn't sound muddy, but these frequencies do get in the way and with so much weight things don't breathe so much, aren't as nimble.


Otherwise,  clear improvement over the SR Orange. Your mileage  may vary vis the bass and midrange weight, but in my amp it is over the top. Orange already had plenty of bass.

Another quick update regarding the Power House Zero 2, I installed in my power conditioner five days ago.

Still not burned in but the sound is wavering to and fro’ much less. The increase in detail both micro and macro has been amazing but the mid-range has been pushed back while lead vocals and lead instruments have come forward.

A holographic swirling soundstage is present but entertaining none the less.

My Purple fuses seem to have been stuck in Compton for the last six

Asked my dealer if he had four F6A 32mm for my power amp and all he had currently available in F, fast blow was four Gold Plated Silver Ceramic HIFI Tuning fuses $50 each, old model.

Put them in the power amp and all the detail from the Power House Zero 2 suddenly snapped into focus and brought the midrange back into play together with the soundstage.

Shows you never can tell.

Post removed 

Finally received my six SR Purple Fuses, put one in my Aurender N20 first and it's just amazing straight out of the box.

Much more realism and naturalness, it's transformed the detail that I had before into naturalness.

Another five to go