"Too much gain"? (Cary SLP05 question)

A few days or so ago, someone had revived an old Cary SLP 05 thread, and common to that discussion seemed to be the subject of too much gain. 

My first question is:  does compensating for too much gain by simply adjusting the volume knob knob down degrade the sonic quality?

My second (2 part) question relates to this quote from one of the replies in that thread:

 A quick note to Pass Labs and they suggested a pair of Rothwell 10db balanced attenuators into the amp’s inputs.

What exactly do balanced attenuators do to resolve this issue, and if placed between the preamp and the amp, would they degrade the signal path & therefore the sonic result out of the speakers?

I am a relatively new owner/operator of a SLP05 and it is in front of one of the earlier Cary V12s.  I did find those balanced attenuators on ebay for (I think I remember them being) $89 a pair, which I find totally doable.  I am lsitening in a (very) near field room right now, and it seem as if I do have a lot of gain.  Generally the big knob is on 9 o'clock plus or minus a little bit depending upon the source material I am listening to.  I am using the balanced ins and outs to & from my SLP05 and I have been given to understand that using RCAs would reduce the gain somewhat.  I do have some RCAs (I am presently using Kimber Silver Streak balanced interconnects) but my collection of spare RCAs is Kimber PBJ and Monsters. 

For $89 should I try putting a pair of those  of Rothwell 10db balanced attenuators into the balanced amp’s inputs?



An attenuator **is** a volume control. So congratulations, now you have two :-)


Just turn down the volume. If its not tracking well, sure maybe you need to add fixed attenuation to get the volume control into its linear range (which is why i abandoned rotary volume pots  a while ago).

4 resistors will do the trick, set up as voltage dividers.  Simplest, least sonically detrimental approach possible.  About 20 cents plus fabrication and whatever hardware you choose to use.

Just thought I’d ad my two bits as I have a lot of experience with the SLP-05. I do not work for Cary Audio. First off avanti1960 is correct. The two “Balance” controls, essentially extra dual mono controls, can be turned down so you have plenty of range on the main volume control. If you want to be able to adjust the main volume control to 12 o’clock, then set it there and adjust the two balance controls until you find a comfortable level. This accomplishes the exact same thing as buying an external set of volume controls.
The main volume control in the SLP-05 is a motorized Alps Blue Velvet control. Fairly good controls. The other two balance controls are pretty cheap crap controls. And yes the quality of the controls will affect the sound quality. I know some people have wired past these two controls to get them out of the circuit and yes, it is noticeable. In the old days we used to be able to get the Tokyo KO-ON Denpa stepped attenuators which were fantastic and yes expensive! Khozmo now makes some really nice controls.
A poor quality control will add grain, noise and cause a loss of the overall clarity and smooth character of you sound, etc.

Another thing that can be done is to get the ultimate upgrade that Cary offers. One part of the upgrade is that they change the plate and cathode resistors which reduce the gain some and also improve the sound. There is a lot more done but this part is of interest to you. This upgrade is totally well worth it and dramatically improves the sound quality. I would also have them wire passed the two balance controls unless you really need them. Or purchase two really good controls and install them in place of the two inside the SLP-05. I don’t recall the value of the two but it is stamped on the casing of the controls.  I know the main Alps is 100K.

Just like any part in the circuit or a cable, etc.  The controls make a difference. Now whether your system can reveal that or you’re ears can hear that difference is where you draw the line on how far to go and how much to spend.  Don’t forget, if you add external volume controls that also means more cables.

I'm also a new owner of the Cary SLP-05, and I set the left & right gain of the unit to a relatively low level (around 3 o'clock position).

My power amp is the Parasound JC5, which also has a pair of input gain dials.  Parasound recommends to set them to the max.  That does seem to make the amp sound better when I was using my JC2 as the preamp.   So I kept it that way.

I did try to dial back the JC5 input gains, and max out the SLP-05 gains.   To me it sounds better with the JC5 at max, so I decided to dial down the SLP-05.  Even at the 3 o'clock position,  my max listening level rarely go past 10 o'clock on the volume control of the SLP-05.


Wow, thanks for all the input, everybody!   I need to sit back & digest it.

@harpo75   I actually did get this unit with The Ultimate Upgrade installed.

As far as the two balance controls, I have kept them maxed out for normal listening and in the past, with my SLP 90, I did find them useful for troubleshooting.  As far as having them taken out of the circuit, in '99 I bought my previous preamp, the SLP90, second hand from a dealer.  He told me it had been "hot rodded by Dennis Had."  What that meant was that, among other things, the balance control pots had been taken out of the circuit.  That SLP90 was a huge sonic upgrade for me, but I thought that most of the "hot rodding" that had been done to it made it totally unresellable (except to some dummy like me) so I called Cary up & spoke to Kirk Owens about undoing some of the mods.  As far as the defeated balance controls went, Kirk told me that in theory (or on paper) there was some signal path degradation, but whether it could be heard was another matter.  Sooooo, I did wind up having him put balance controls back in, and on the receipt for the work that he did, he referred to them as "improved quality L & R balance pots."  (And I did always run them maxed out, but I did, quite often, find them useful for troubleshooting.) 

Hey @immatthewj, I didn’t realize you’re the OP.  I think you had commented on the other Cary thread that I started.  Anyway, I just had an email exchange with Cary support about this gain issue.  Apparently they have a service called Gain Reduction on the unit to lower the gain by 6db.  It costs $140 plus parts and labor. I decided I’m not going to do that, but it’s an option for you to think about.