How do I get the best soundstage?

I have a better than decent digital system. I.e. Pass integrated amp, Innuos streamer and USB reclocker, Ayre DAC with Less Loss power cable and firewall, Volti speakers. I’m my dedicated listening room the digital system is sonically superb to my ear - Except that the soundstage is ok but not the best. So, maybe I missed the boat on that. I have a vintage Technics table and Phono box S2 (basic start for vinyl). I’m now ready to move up to a better TT and phono preamp. I already have a used TT, a VPI Classic, coming. So, I’m looking for advice on how to get an exceptional soundstage. Should I be looking at spending more on the phono preamp or does the cartridge make more of a difference in soundstage. Also, should I be questioning the speakers for soundstage quality?. I’m looking to spend no more that 3500 on a used preamp. The VPI table has a low output mc Transfiguration Axia cartridge. Thanks in advance for any ideas you can share!


Soundstage optimization is not easy.  It can be hard identifying the weakest link in the chain that is compromising spacial clues.  For most situations, the most likely culprit is the speaker/room interaction.  You want to really kill early reflections, that is, those with a delay of less than about 12 millisectonds.  If you don't set up and treat your room/speaker/listening position in such a way as to reduce those early reflections to about -20 dB relative to the direct from speaker sound, no other change in equipment is going to fix the problem.  Download Room Equalization Wizard (free software) and learn how to use it.  The impulse graph will be your main tool on optimizing spacial clues.  

REW is a powerful tool that no audiophile should be without.  I once was blind, but now I see.  REW is that good.

I would rely upon your digital setup with music or a test CD for speaker placement. I like a laser pointed at a target at the listening position to achieve symmetric toe-in. The distance between the speakers - obviously including symmetry to the listening position axis - is also a big deal, ime. I do not know if your speakers are sensitive to rake, but some are. That said everything in the audio chain can change the perception of soundstage.