@theaudiotweak I recognize that you are likely only trying to help @nano-flo launch his new enterprise. That's cool and very nice of you.
It would probably elevate his credibility (and yours too, the extent of which I wouldn't dare predict) considerably if you were to let everyone know if you have any financial interest, past-present-or future, in the success or failure of these products. You two can understand can't you? You can understand why a community of audio hobbyists might view the power cable with a great deal of skepticism right? It closely resembles cords that virtually everyone here has discarded. I've joked with friends that power cables similar to these is akin to a fruitcake. There is only one in existence in the world and it gets included in each box every time a piece of gear is sold. LOL.
A claim of "improves conductance" has been made. I'm just curious by how much and how do you know? Measured? Did you "hear" conductance improve? What does that sound like? Listen, I'm sure everyone here is sincere and honorable. But the handling of the rollout has been "clumsy"?
So, you will be at Axpona @nano-flo ? Working? Attending as a paid attendee? Demoing? In which room? I'll swing by and listen. If you aren't part of the show then...
They won't treat a thing they cannot comprehend. Joke is on them.
And Tom, if you do happen to be "advising" Chris I'm not sure which of you is benefitting from comments like these. It's almost like watching a slow motion train wreck. If you put it on a public forum, people are free to comment.
I usually sit on the sidelines when the topic ventures into certain territory. People are free to believe and try whatever they want. With that said, the principals should back up claims that should be verifiable with the data they relied upon to make the claim. You say conductance is improved, please communicate how you know that. If Yo-Yo Ma coats his strings with it? Say so. But this stream of consciousness, make it up as you go along like method likely won't make Harvard Business Review. I will remain as open minded as I can but, absent any pre-launch conductance data, I believe the audiophile (note to self when starting an audio related business, its audioPHile, not audioFile) community may be merciless.