Is it ok to stack LPs horizontally?

I have run out of storage room and have a couple of horizontally stacked records. Not more than 20 in each stack.

Am I inviting warping?


Just a note. Stacking horizontally can cause damage to the vinyl it self due to contaminants presence on the surface. Weight is the issue. I have stored my collection of over 2k lip’s for over 20 plus years. In addition some of my collection are over 60 years old and still play like new. Get some crates and store vertically. Also ikea makes some crates that might work. 

Ever been at the bottom of a dog pile as a kid? A stack of 50 records is already getting heavy. The bottom 10 records will see enough pressure that, in summer or a warmish day, they will yield to a warp.

Can I prove this? Probably not in this post. But I bet you can see my logic. How are some of you questioning sage wisdom?

Books are stored this way to take pressure off the binding.

It just makes sense.

Do you want to take the bottom record out? What a PITA. You will damage the bottom few records just to access them. Stack them vertically and they’re all just as easy to get at.

Should I go on?

Although I always have my vinyl vertically on shelves, Room Temperature is the key. If your storage place is cool, very little tendency to warp.  


Thanks for the tip. Since I have fairly sizable empty space in each of my 41 shelves (I always have more shelves than I need so I can keep adding records), instead of the inner cardboard, I just bought 50 reinforced 2" wide vinyl cardboard BOXES! Tip of the month for me!