problems with 24 bit cd players

i am searching for a cd player--preferably one with tubes.

i have auditioned a number of them and something is wrong. i perceive a dip in the 100 to 200hz region and a slight peak in the upper mids/lower treble region.

is it possible that one can buy a current production player which is 20 bit and no up sampling ?

i haven't found any, nor am i looking for a dac, although i am aware that there exists non-upsampling dacs.
Mrtennis, I am using a 24 bit Quad cdp-2 and I find just the opposite, a peak in mid-bass and a dip in upper mids. You probably have tried it already.
hi rotarius:

i own this player. i will sell it shortly. it too is lacking in the upper/basss/lower mid range and has too much energy in the upper mids/lower treble. i think 24/192 chips have problems. they present music in a manner i would characterize as "hyper-detailed". i believe a tubed gain or output stage can somewhat offset the effect of the chip, but selecting an appropriate capacitor is also necessary.

i am having a tough time finding a current production player.

There also exist non-oversampling single box CD players. The is a version of the Consonance called "Linear" which is non-OS. I think there is also a non-OS player from Audionote.

How about the tube output player from Granite Audio? I think it is a 20 bit unit, but I'm not sure of that.


I would agree with "hyper detailed" and if that is not to your liking I suggest a non over sampled player is your best bet. I'm not sure about one box players but why not a DAC? I'm not as familiar with the players but there are quite a few DACs. Check my system for one approach.
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