problems with 24 bit cd players

i am searching for a cd player--preferably one with tubes.

i have auditioned a number of them and something is wrong. i perceive a dip in the 100 to 200hz region and a slight peak in the upper mids/lower treble region.

is it possible that one can buy a current production player which is 20 bit and no up sampling ?

i haven't found any, nor am i looking for a dac, although i am aware that there exists non-upsampling dacs.
the reason i am not looking for a cd2 is its age and the chance that the transport , i.e., laser will need replacement. my player is showing signs of wear and has tracking problems
It's easy and inexpesnive to replace a laser -- even the whole transport mechanism if necessary. I assume you've considered this -- but just in case? You really don't need to change the whole product...
i am looking for a non upsampling less than 24 bit cd player

Do my other posts not show up? Why do you keep saying that? That statement makes no sense. If it is non upsampling and non oversampling IT IS 16 BITS !!!!!! Period. end of story. If it has more than 16 bits it is doing some type of sampling to create the extra bits.


OK, I feel better now.
hi herman:

hi herman, you are railing against redundancy. it would have been suffiecient to say:

i am looking for an 18 or 16 bit player. i apologize for unnecessary words.
i am looking for an 18 or 16 bit player. i apologize for unnecessary words.

Ok, I give up since you can't seem to grasp the concept. I am not railing against redundancy, I am railing against something that is impossible.

16 bits is the native format. Anything greater involves sampling.

17 bits involves sampling
18 bits involves sampling
19 bits involves sampling
20 bits involves sampling
21 bits involves sampling
22 bits involves sampling
23 bits involves sampling
and so on

If you are looking for a player that does not sample then you are looking for a 16 bit player, not an "18 or 16 bit player," which by the way is different than your first impossible request.

is it possible that one can buy a current production player which is 20 bit and no up sampling ?

I need to get a life.