
I am desiring some speakers that can be hooked up to 2 different Amps at the same time. Being a neophyte in the audiophile community I am assuming this is referred to as Bi-Amping as opposed to Bi -Wiring.

At the same time, it seems very hard to even find a set of spkrs that are even described as Bi- Amp capable.

Am I getting this? Thank U--r
I have a friend who ran a tube amp on the high post and solid state for the low. Something didn't click so he sold both amps and purchased a more powerful and slightly more expensive solid state amp and used a very good jumper. In the end this worked out much better than the two dissimilar amps.
I agree with all the responses. But why are you starting off with 2 amps? Do you have a large room to fill or is the biamping for less noise/distortion reasons?
There is also horizontal and vertical biamping to the speakers. Please explain what you are attempting to achieve.
Apparently my prev conception of Biamping was incorrect. My hope was to hook up a Sansui 2000x & a Denon 395 to the same speakers at the same time for comparison. r
I thought that was your question, rather than biamping which is using two amps at once. You cant just hook up two amps to one speaker, as the signal from one amp will feed into the other amp through the combined speaker terminal connection. If you are trying to compare two amps, you need some sort of switching box to isolate one from the other so only one is hooked up to the speaker at a time.
Exactly-- the reason I came up with the idea is that I have a reverse box hooked up to my RCA outputs from my DAT that changes the L & R stereo channels.

I was hoping to configure the same sort of thing so as to compare amps on the same spkrs w/o actually changing the spkr wire hook-ups. Does anyone know if such a component exists?

Thanks for comments all.