
I am desiring some speakers that can be hooked up to 2 different Amps at the same time. Being a neophyte in the audiophile community I am assuming this is referred to as Bi-Amping as opposed to Bi -Wiring.

At the same time, it seems very hard to even find a set of spkrs that are even described as Bi- Amp capable.

Am I getting this? Thank U--r
Exactly-- the reason I came up with the idea is that I have a reverse box hooked up to my RCA outputs from my DAT that changes the L & R stereo channels.

I was hoping to configure the same sort of thing so as to compare amps on the same spkrs w/o actually changing the spkr wire hook-ups. Does anyone know if such a component exists?

Thanks for comments all.
This would probably be somewhat impractical as a separate component would be needed for L & R spkr.
If your preamp has balance control, you can swap sides and figure which one is better.