I owned a Nova 300 for a while and thought it was a decent and affordable unit. That was before I owned any Thiels, so I can't comment on how it paired with them, but depending on who you listen to, it might not be a great match sonically. In regards to Art's comments above, Peachtree responded that the Nova 300 was probably not a great match with Art's high sensitivity speakers.
It's been a while since I owned mine, but my memory is more of it being a little rolled off on the top, so it might actually be a good match with the Thiels."
Thanks for sharing from actual and that's the best we can do in a forum like this. I've owned Thiel 2.3s, 7.2s and 3.7s. I've had Proceed HPA, Bryston ST, Bryston SST, Modwright, a couple of Icepower AS (1200) amps, one in stereo and one modded dual mono and now a modded LSA Voyager GaN 350. In addition, my friend worked at a high end shop and many moons ago (15-20 years or so), I did virtually all his installs/set-ups with him over a 6 year period. Delivered and set up, 1.6s, 6s, 2.4s, 1.7s in addition to what I've owned. The store carried Levinson, Proceed, Bryston, VTL. Ayre, Linn and probably a couple of others for electronics.
I can also agree that the IcePower modules I've heard are a little more laid back at the top end than the modded Voyager I know own (and it too has more detail and body). The 3.7s are not as picky in my experience as some as the older Thiels with sounding bright with certain things. I once delivered a system with 2.3s and I wanted to shoot them. The guy had two high walls of glass (probably 12 feet high), a (5 ft.) coffee table at an angle between the walls to house the equipment and a glass and stone fireplace opposite the speakers.
When someone poses a question, I try to put myself in their shoes within their budgets and what they want to accomplish. I often help people who are not audiophiles. I wouldn't want to impart any of my disease (😀) to them. We all have different tastes and goals and there's nothing wrong with that.