Please note that i posted picture of the mighty 15" woofer.
Well, i find these last posts extremely interesting. To answer the question: I have several pairs of speakers (you can see one in the background of one the the 15" pictures) and I use them all occasionally. The ohm f is the one however I prefer because its sound is unique and still give me the most pleasure on many recordings.
I'm still testing the F-5015 and have yet to make a definitive judgement about it, but I beleive that the F is not only there for marketing purposes. From what I heard so far, the frequency balance is near perfect ( I say near because nothing is perfect), like it was in the Fs. Moreover, the general
Impression of the sound and music is for me in the same family as the original Fs. The pleasure I find listening to the new Fs finds its source in the similar qualities : live like mids, supreme highs, yet not invading and incredibly smooth, bass frequencies which, like it was the case with the Fs, are always at their place, in perfect rhythm with the rest, in perfect rutic and tonal harmony.
Also, like it is the case with anyone listening to the old Fs for the first time, it takes time to adapt your ear to the new Fs sound because as it was the case with the old Fs, it is different fr anything you' be heated before, at least it is for me.
I'm still testing and will be looking at the mid bass when my amp makes it back home, against my other speakers (equipped with one of the best woofers in the world, the Scanspeak 10" paper woofer.
I will have to be very careful in my assessment because as I said the music presentation if the new Fs is so different, with, amongst other things, the 15" expanding the space between instrument and sounds so vastely, that I will have to live with it a while to make myself a definite idea.
PS: note that English is not my first language, so please try to read the ideas not the words.