Pink Floyd’s brand new song

Pink Floyd (Dave Gilmour and Nick Mason) with their bassist Guy Prat debuted a new song today. The singer is a Ukrainian from the band Boom Box collaborated with Pink Floyd to honor those lost in this senseless war. The lyrics are in Russian and it is a great tribute to the Ukrainian people.  The name of the song is, “Hey, Hey Rise Up”


According to news reports, the Ukrainian artist sang this song and PF heard it. They then used that vocal  and gave it the backing track. It is a wonderful collaboration. 

Nick Mason's band Saucerful of Secrets is doing a US tour this year.  From what I read, it is focused on the early Pink Floyd albums before Dark Side of the Moon, when they had Syd Barrett in the group.  A lot of that music is really good and should be heard.



Syd Barrett ONLY performed on PF first record, "The Piper At The Gates Of Dawn".  all the other song Nick Mason's group plays were originally recorded with David Gilmour.  Thus, other than the first album, Nicks group is playing songs up to Meddle.


I think Syd Barrett did contribute one song--"Jugband Blues"--to 'A Saucerful of Secrets' as well as contributing some guitar work to a couple of other tracks, but there's no doubt he was mentally and functionally drifting away during this period before getting the boot for good. Tragic story.