Why should audiophile deniers be allowed on an audiophile forum?

Why should we be subjected to audiophile deniers, on a site dedicated to audio?
It’s antithetical to the hobby and adds nothing to the pursuit. I want to quote something from another thread.

@djones51 wrote "exposing bull products like "audiophile switches, cables, fuses " and other highly questionable devices that serve no purpose"

What then, is the purpose of people with this agenda being on this site? To “expose bull products.” It’s fine for someone to post they tried a product and it didn’t work for them, but to dismiss entire product categories is not a discussion that belongs on an enthusiast forum.

Would a car enthusiast site stand for this type of post?

Try going on a Porsche forum, just for example, and posting that your Mustang is just as fast 0-60 and that others poster’s claims about their driving experience is “dubious.” See how long that will be tolerated

There are plenty of sites to poke fun at audiophile’s obsession with cables, power conditioners etc. Why does it belong here, especially when we can’t mute specific posters?

What’s next? Arguing that speakers that measure the same must sound the same and that we are all suckers for buying expensive speakers? I thought we got rid of trolling?

Isn’t it obvious with all the ASR related posts here lately we are being trolled?

A couple of months back I read a post here about someone that ordered a new cat8 cable from China. I tried it and posted back my fantastic results for others to benefit.

Personally that’s the kind of forum I’m interested in, not to come here to be challenged about what I hear and that since it can’t be measured so it must be “dubious.”






Post removed 

This is just more us versus them mentality. Sick of that. Don’t fall for it.

My guy misbehaved and was punished now it’s all those evil people with minds of their own who got to go. It’s pretty petty and juvenile really. Act like an adult and obey the rules and all is fine.


If an opinion differs from one’s own so what? Just stick by your convictions. Bad audiophile naysayers can’t really hurt you. Don’t be a baby! See that’s not so difficult is it?

I'm a newbie here over the past few months as I've gotten back into audio, so I'm hardly qualified to give an opinion on the quality or utility of individual components. I'll just note that the OP's complaint could really cut both ways on these boards. For every skeptic who questions the ROI of dropping megabucks on cables and interconnects, there are just as many high enders who look down their noses at value priced components ("mid-fi, at best" seems to be the mantra). It seems like in both directions these judgments are passed without the benefit of actually hearing the component in question. 

And I have to add, I have friends who have traded their Porsches for Mustang Cobras, and no knowledgeable auto enthusiast would overlook the capabilities of a performance-focused Mustang. The two cars have very different means of accomplishing the same results (going very fast around a track), but it really comes down to how you want to get there. 

Try going on a Porsche forum, just for example, and posting that your Mustang is just as fast 0-60 and that others poster’s claims about their driving experience is “dubious.” See how long that will be tolerated


To the op, @emailists , that you made this part of your original posts seems to show lack of understanding of what an "audiophile" forum is.  If this (or similar) forums was a Passlabs forum, and someone came on and said my "Pick you amp" was 10x better, than your example would apply. This is not a Passlabs forum.

You appear to want to be exposed to only one path to achieving acoustic nirvana. That is both boring, isolationist, and flawed. Both sides of the argument can have value to share with the other side. One side can share with the other how deviating from "perfect" can result in something that you like more, while the other side, can show them, once communicated, how to better achieve their goals.