Tweeter Capacitor

A question for experts,

On my tweeter Esotar T330d I currently have an in serial a Alumen Z cap of 6,8µF,To match with the quality of the tweeter I am hesitating between a Duelund CAST Cu or a Milflex KPCU 03,the Milflex Cap has the same level of quality as Duelund?


That's along with OP, there is a very good reason for the frequency collector .1 or 01uf to be added along with the 6.8uf. That copper bypass is a real good choice. They are directional too. The arrow towards the - or away from the +. It will work either way, the difference is the outside of the cap wrap vs the inside. They can make noise, I've never heard it though.

It's easy on a large cap. Just get a DMM and see which leg has less resistance when the other probe is on the outside of the cap. That is the way out on ALL non-polarized caps..

The Duelund CAST Cu is very well regarded as top of the pile. I’ve not heard it. I have V-Cap ODAMs. The Miflex is very good too but maybe a little brighter.

The Duelund CAST SnCu is the one you want with no bypass. It is on another level compared to Vcap Odam or Miflex. The tinned copper Duelund CAST has no equal based on my experience. They will be huge and quite expense.  Check for fit and budget 🙂.  

Nothing else can match this cap’s natural and pure tone.  Just so special. 

Thank you for your brightened answers, which allowed me to move forward,I already had my own opinion,With your answer to reinforce it,I also think that Duelund is the right.