recommended speaker cables and interconnects

trying to upgrade step by step my stereo system, after not dealing with it for awhile.
right now have 3 kinds of speaker cables.
old audio quest , and an old monster cables.
a bit newer Kimber cable that are too short for my current configuration.
for interconnects, one pair of MIT mi-330
and one pair of Audioquest Ruby 2.
looking to upgrade for moderate price.
can’t give a budget range cause i am not familiar with the prices .


Not a sensible question OP.

Most people accept that interconnect and speaker cable changes can have effects on the sound.  These effects arise mainly because of the interaction of the cables with the active components they are connecting rather than by the attributes of the cables themselves.

Further, each of us favours a different kind of sound.

So it is useless and damaging to take recommendations as to which are the 'best' cables for every system and every listener.  You are very likely to be disappointed.

The only way forward is to listen to a lot of different cables in your system and choose the ones that sound best to you.

A dealer or widely experienced audiophile can help by using experience of different cables in different systems to narrow down your choice by eliminating combinations he knows are unlikely to be synergistic.

I have had numerous interconnects and speaker cables over the years and I absolutely love Audio-Envy !  Cap the owner is very easy to work with, and yes they do have a return guarantee, although I've never had to send anything back.  They are very reasonably priced and are very high performing.  Their cables have low capacitance which doesn't attenuate the upper frequencies.  I have turned several of my audiophile friends from their expensive interconnects and speaker cables to these.  Highly recommended !  And yes...  I believe you can return them if you don't like them.  Just call and speak  with Cap...  

I find the Giant Killer comment so funny.

Silversmith Fidelium speaker cables..a giant killer