Do power supply units/cables make a difference in sound quality?

My system is plugged in via a heavy duty power strip into a wall socket.  (Horrors!). I have read many posts from folks who have invested $$$ in power supply units and cables.  Before I take a deep dive into that, I'd like to hear from folks pro or con on this subject.  My system consists of Magneplanar MG3rs, Nelson Pass Threshold 400 amp, Conrad Johnson recent premier preamp, Oracle TT with Koetsu Black, Bluos Node streamer, Classe Audio CDP-102 CD Player.  I am quite happy with the sound from all sources.  So am I in for another four figure expense with power supply?  I appreciate the experience of this forum's members.


I think the OP wanted confirmation that he wouldn't hear a difference when adding power supply treatment.

His only interaction was with fellow non-believers. This thread was a waste of time.

Oh forgive me for being new to this forum and asking a question some of you are tired of answering.  Fortunately, I did get useful answers which led me to conclude my money is better spent on getting a new cartridge than it is with power supply equipment.  I am grateful to those who took the time and effort to answer my question, pro or con.  The thread was far from a waste of time to me, but no one forces you to read it.  Anyone with 4,893 posts must be very knowledgable indeed.

This place is often at least as funny as the best of Saturday Night Live.  Over and out.

Post removed 

Some folks offer trial periods for in home listening. Try that as your system is of high quality. Nothing to lose but some shipping costs.. But replace your cartridge first.