Good CD Player for Mark Levinson amp + preamp

I'm currently looking for a CD player that goes well with my Mark Levinson
432 amp and 380s preamp. Anyone have any good recommendations?
It certainly does make sense to at least consider ML's player. The company has probably voiced the various components together.

It is often difficult to predict how components will interact, so I cannot say what will work well with your combination. However, based on my own personal taste and experience with ML electronics, I find their stuff to be very smooth and relatively free of brittleness and edginess, but, it can sound a bit dark and bit lifeless (in terms of microdynamics). I don't own any of their amps, but I've heard them, and I am an owner of of Ref. No. 32 linestage (now my back-up linestage). Overall, this is good gear and should sound good with ANY top-notch source. For my taste, I would try to punch up the dynamics a bit. I have a Naim CDS3 player and it worked very well with the No. 32 and it does have good dynamics.

A local dealer had ML electronics coupled to Ayre players and that combination also worked very well.
I agree that it would be worth while to try the Levinson No. 390S. There is definitely a synergy among the components.
I, again, would say the 390s is the way to go. But also in my experience with the levinson gear I own and love, at the very least go with a balanced output player.