6922 Tube Question

I need to replace a pair of tubes in my VAC Signature.  They are 6DJ8 6922's.  Though I've had tubed pre-amps for years, this is my first tube replacement.  So I have a real newbie question.  Are all 6922's interchangeable?  Can I use any 6922 or must they be 6DJ8 6922's?

ps - ya, I know, bad time to need tubes given the world situation.

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In addition there is also the E188CC/7308 that is said to be even more durable (in higher current circuits) than the  E88CC/6922, but I'm too lazy to look up the spec's on all the, above mentioned, versions.

The 6922 is considered a premium tube vs. the 6DJ8. It has a more rugged build quality and meets military demands. To my ears, they sound the same for a given brand.

The 7308 is truly a premium tube and has different sonics than the other variants. IME with the help of Brent Jessee, we tried 6922 US Amperex and Amperex Holland in my new DAC, the US having more detail and extension, neither had enough low-end punch. I next tried the Amperex PQ Holland 7308. The price was quite a bit higher due to rarity, but this tube had everything I was looking for. The heater of a 7308 draws 7 volts while the 6DJ8/6922 draws 6.3V, but is a drop-in replacement. Both the 6922 and 7308 are capable of lasting 10,000 hours.




6FQ7 for me.

Not the same tube at all. Different gain, voltage ratings, and bottle length.

It is a 6SN7 in a 9 pin bottle.

6np1 (6np1-ev) might worth a try even though it is not an exact match to 6922 or 6DJ8. My phono preamp comes with 6np1 Russian tubes, but the designer of the preamp also suggests to use 6922 or 6DJ8 tubes. Actually, I prefer 6np1-ev tubes over bugle boy 6DJ8 on my phono preamp. They may be the cheapest 6922-ish tubes you can find.