Ps audio aspen FR 30 Loudspeakers

Having bought several upper end products from p.s audio in the past such as their flagship dac   Parts quality inside were Average at best.   I am looking at New Loudspeakers and having over 40 years in audio and owning a Audio Store  to me a 🚩 flag is when you won’t should the Critical Xover inside which is the ♥️ orthe 🧠 of the speaker ,  at $28,500   The speaker should be shown inside and out , and if a company uses the term proprietary drivers or Xover parts ,that means nothing special I except the lofty $$ price tag.  Having modded Loudspeakers for myself and others for over 20 years ,know first hand most mags  take many cost cutting short cuts . It’s up to the mfg to Prove to the buyer they are worthy,Especially a totally new item , they specialize in electronics ,Not Loudspeakers .  Unless you can see everything about the drivers, and Xover and parts quality ,then most likely parts are made in China or close to it ,in reality less then $8k into the total build ,  look at a Wilson Sabrina ,Magico, B&W , they all disclose their build designs . Just ge careful, if you can’t see all your answers, they buy with ⚠️ Caution ⚠️ 

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I understand perfectly having sold high end for 20+ years, and having an EE degree.  What you don’t get is the speakers are built to a price point and you can’t get the top end parts in a speaker  that sells for the price of the FR 30’s.  

Anyone can mod crossovers, it isn’t EE or rocket science. I have been in this hobby for well over 50 years so the only ignorance is what you wrote about me.  

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Have an EE sold Audio instead.


I understand perfectly having sold high end for 20+ years, and having an EE degree