Who is your Favorite Historical Conductor?

For discussion purposes I am limiting this to

1) Wilhelm Furtwangler

2) Arturo Toscanini 

3) Bruno Walter


feel free to introduce others.  I will be arbitrary and cut off Conductors who worked after the death of Leonard Bernstein.

  Furtwangler and Toscanini died just short of the onset of the stereo era.  They were however recorded with the best technology of the times, and the work of restoration technology of today has done wonders.  Walter recorded until 1962 but perhaps his best work was done in the mono era.

  Walter was renowned for his “humanity” Furtwangler for his near mystical ability to rechannel German/Austrian music, and Toscanini for his finely chiseled intensity


Arnold Schoenberg wrote the following about Ervin Nyiregyházi: "...a pianist who appears to be something really quite extraordinary... I must say that I have never heard such a pianist before... What he plays is expression in the older sense of the word, nothing else; but such power of expression I have never heard before. You will disagree with his tempis as much as I did. You will also note that he often seems to give primacy to sharp contrasts at the expense of form, the latter appearing to get lost. I say appearing to; for then, in its own way, his music surprisingly regains its form, makes sense, establishes its own boundaries. The sound he brings out of the piano is unheard of... And such fullness of tone, achieved without ever becoming rough, I have never before encountered... as a whole it displays incredible novelty and persuasiveness. ...it is amazing what he plays and how he plays it".

When Schoenberg say here he is tempted to disagree at first with his tempi choices , he say in reality that the tempi used by E.N. are IMPREVISIBLE ONE born from the flowing of the music itself under his fingers like in an IMPROVISATION and they are a very convincing musical event at the end...

MUSIC COMMAND TIME not the reverse....


For me music is the oscillation of time, life is a crystal which  had learned to  master time with his own music...

A great conductor suppress the dictature of time upon us and deliver us with music...

Guido Cantelli-protege of Toscanini who.died tragically in a plane crash in 1956. Toscanini wasn't told about it since he was frail at the time. Cantelli did make several recordings.

Erich and Carlos Kleiber-father and son, both gone now.  Carlos' recordings have better sound. He didn't record a lot but his recordings of Beethoven's symphonies  5 and 7 are among the best. 

Very interesting choices.... Thanks...

Guido Cantelli-protege of Toscanini who.died tragically in a plane crash in 1956. Toscanini wasn't told about it since he was frail at the time. Cantelli did make several recordings.

Erich and Carlos Kleiber-father and son, both gone now.  Carlos' recordings have better sound. He didn't record a lot but his recordings of Beethoven's symphonies  5 and 7 are among the best. 

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