Burn in after repair?

I had an amplification unit repaired with output and driver transistors replaced in one channel.  In starting to listen to the unit after repair, I find the sound somewhat thin and bass shy.  How normal is this?  Thanks for your thoughts/experience. 



Burn-In here is an endless, contentious debate...I believe it will need some burn in time to sound right, absolutely normal...

A little too early in "re-burn-in" to know much.  It was one channel that was repaired and I don't have the manufacturers permission to put out info on them.  They are an established high end company that I have had several units from over the years.  It does remind me of new units that I have had that did improve sonically with some use time.  Thanks 

Since when did you need a manufacturer's approval, as a consumer, to either tell other people that you bought from them or that you had a repair done. This place just keeps getting more bizarre.