For sure you are right...
A drummer is a limited percussionist in a way...For me...
Drummer with standard set of drums are recent phenomenon in a limited number of musical style...Jazz and rock/pop...
Percusionnist are more musicians on their own free way, soloist in many countries and cultures from millennias or player in a communicating at distance talking community...
Correct me if wrong...
I prefer percussionists...i associated percussionist with melodic rythm and /or rythmic melody...Drummer play more rythmic explosions with accompanying beat than melody of their own ...
I am not a musician ... ๐๐ At all.... But i love music and will be one next life...
If i was a baby i will ask your family to adopt me... ๐
You folks do know there is a difference in a Drummer and a Percussionist?
Sorry had a house full of musicians.