Obviously you confused americanized democratic Taiwan, with old continental imperial China...
And it is not necessary to travel in a Hilton hotel in british Hong Kong or Taiwan to know that the self censorship is not only linked to the political power traditionally present which weight over their head for millenias but ALSO to the power of the family who is a powerful hierarchised extensive clanic affair with very precise rules of interaction. ..
And reading Confucius ethic is better than eating burger in Hilton hotel with some modernized chinese engineer to learn culture and inconscious collective archetypes ruling them ...Sorry... 😁😊
I spoke here about the general culture not about some modern chinese individuals you meet in their modern business buildings ...they are like us they want freedom...but their culture, history and backgrounds differ completely...
Self censorship is more heavy in SOME traditionalist society, it is an anthropological fact...The free individual with his free speech right is an invention of modern European times...
Even if there has been always through history some revendication of freedom... The history of Spartacus in the Roman times is interesting for example... Revendication by chineese people now dont erase completely their traditional "etiquette" and social submission generally coming from a long programmed history ...With one billion and more people and more than 3 millenias of history, and high culture, china has many habits and customs that implicate more self censorship than what are accustomed north Americans in particular ...
In a word chinese has invented everything technological way before europeans most of the times till the 17 th century, but a chinese Freud for example could not exist why?
Answer this and you will understand what i spoke about...
Obviously you have never been to China and interacted with Chinese people