Someone once said, there are fools and then there are damn fools!
Musetec (LKS) MH-DA005 DAC
@debjit_g I would say the general Chinese business plan is similar to the post War Japanese one. Which is first copy, dump the product on the market and when the competition is on it's knees bring out a cheaper quality product. I would say the 005 and May and Termy are second generation products but as you say they are not absolute top end. That is coming. There are many copies of FM Acoustics Pre and Power amps available at different price ranges. I've personally heard $2k copies and they sound really good, better than they should. Even the ICBs have been copied exactly. FM Acoustics is way up there $200k+ per unit. |
@melm +1 On Goldensound, I respect the way he's stood up to dCS and the MQA scum, notwithstanding his truly excellent reviews of the May, Spring, Serene, Dave etc. The Fat German keeps defending MQA to his last breath when everyone else has proved it's a scam in more ways than one. I am disgusted by Bob Stuart being involved in MQA and doing his best to justify the scam. Shows you can't trust anyone. They're all laughing now, I believe they sold MQA and someone else is carrying the can. This is another reason Tidal calls MQA Tidal Masters. Legally different entities. |
It's my understanding that most if not all reviewers can get the accommodation price, before, during, or after doing the review. The price is typically the same as what a retailer would pay the manufacturer for the product. There have been threads already on markup, so yes, 50-60% is typical. Impossible to know if a few manufacturers try to exert influence beyond this, but if they did it would typically be with "reviewers" who operate singly and are not part of a team (e.g. publishing in the major magazines). |
Here is a Dartzeel for only $650 for your consideration.. 😁 |