Ripping CD Optimally


I no longer listen to CD, but I have a substantial CD collection (few hundreds). I want to sell or give away those CDs. But before, I want to rip it so I can play in from Roon or other software.

I'm sure number of people did that in the last decade and l'm hoping I can benefit from some experience and lesson learned from this community. More specifically, I'm looking for advices on 3 aspects:

1) Audio Format

I want to keep the maximum AQ but I know digitalize a CD will not create quality, so I doubt DSD 1024 would make sense. What format/container would be the best to preserve the CD quality?

2) Ripping Software

There are many out there all of them claiming to be the top/no. 1. Does paying for one worth the price or a free / open source is equally good? I'm on macOS.

3) External CD (and DVD) reader

There are plenty on amazon on the 25-40$ (CAD) price range. Anyone have good, or bad experience to share with those? Any brand or model to consider or avoid?

Thanks in advance!

P.S. I hope this questions belong to this topic. If not kindly point me toward the right one.




Audio format - best to preserve CD quality and keep the maximum AQ (audio quality, I hope?) is WAV.

For a discussion on the relative merits of WAV and FLAC, see this short explanation - its reasonably non -technical and covers most bases sufficiently (including compatibility issues).


I recommend using WAV format to rip your precious CD collection. Couple of things to consider with ripping, the storage of your rips and are you going to continue buying CD’s in future? If the answer is yes, then you should invest in a decent quality ripper and storage device. Most NAS are noisy and comes with a wall wart (another source of AC noise).

I recommend Bluesound Vault 2i which offers both ripping and storage of your files. 

After investigation, ALAC, or ALAC is as good as WAV and handles metadata which is pretty useful.

Thanks for the Vault 2i recommendation,it would pair nicely with my Node. It is out of stock atm, but I'll keep an eye open.