The Belles Aria Signature Integrated Amplifier

The Belles Aria Signature Integrated Amplifier has landed at the Audio Connection in Verona, NJ. I think John said 120 watts per channel with a phono stage that supports both MM and MC cartridges. 3 Single ended and 1 balanced input and output. Sounds great even though the unit has less than 24 hours on it.

Just curious as my Aria Signature Int is a year old, whats

the difference in the new Aria Signature Int which has a

different faceplate and back layout. 


arro222: yes love it but I have Belles separates now. MB-200 and

VT-01. I have had 100s of Int Amps this is the best

one I have heard so far, I have it for sale but still might 

keep it! 

I was just reading on Gene Rubin website, the original Aria Integrated is offered in both original version an in dual mono version for extra $700..Gene, who I've done business with and trust, says the difference is well worth it...he only offers the Signature in dual mono


"One big plus from buying from brick and Mortar Store is that you cam take home and audition equipment before you buy.
Its a tremendous advantage". 

I have not found this to be common at all!

In fact, it's the reason I don't patronize local brick-and--mortar stores-- they expect me to lay down thousands of bucks based solely on a showroom demo using their gear in their room. Such a business model--  wherein I'm expected to accept all of the risk-- is one I absolutely refuse to engage in or support. 

I've bought two components, including my recently-acquired Hegel H390, from Kevin Russell at Listen Up in Denver, a brick-and-mortar store that offers a return policy.

I bought my DAC from Alex at Alma Music in San Diego, who was willing to first ship me a demo unit.

These are the type of dealers I'm happy to patronize. Unfortunately, I've found them to be the exception, rather than the rule.