I've had a few preamps with a built-in phono: Rogue Magnum 99, BAT VK-30, Plinius MP16-P, and Audible Illusions M3B.
All those built-in phonos were just OK, but not comparable to Allnic H1202 and Magi phonomenal in my system,
Magi is actually better than MM of Allnic. Magi + Sound Tradition SUT is better than MC of Allnic.
My cartridges are Ortofon MC20 super, Ortogn SPUs, Denon DL103, AT150 mlx, ...
Not all $1000-$2000 phono pres are equal. Some may be just about the same as your built-in phono. Magi costs $1000, but I am not sure whether it is still being made.