How to listen to iPhone/bluetooth through my main sytem

Hello. I have an integrated amp with built-in Bluetooth capability but am looking at a few non Bluetooth integrateds to buy. What do I need to buy to enable my new integrated to play a Bluetooth signal and where do I plug it in on my integrated? Sorry for the basic question, I just can't seem to find the answer.

Before you do anything "bluetooth" just accept that you don't give a hoot about sound quality. After that, carry on.........

IfI Zen blue great Bluetooth that pairs easy to iPhone. It will stream hi-res files.

If you want to feed iPhone into dac you need the iPhone camera adapter. This will give you usb out from phone to go usb in to external dac. I use this into IfI hip dac portable dac amp to aux in on my Lexus and it sounds great. Exceeded all my expectations into the Mark Levinson system.

There are a few ways to do this. Here's one way:


1. On your iPhone, go to Settings > Bluetooth and turn on Bluetooth.

2. Make sure your iPhone is connected to the same Wi-Fi network as your computer.

3. On your computer, open iTunes and make sure it's open in the main window, not in the sidebar.

4. Click on the AirPlay button in the upper-right corner of the iTunes window (it looks like a little triangle).

5. From the list of devices that appears, select your iPhone. 

6. In the lower-left corner of the iTunes window, change the Output setting from "iTunes" to "iPhone."

7. Now, any music you play in iTunes will stream wirelessly to your iPhone! Enjoy! :)

8. If you want to stop streaming music to your iPhone, just go back to the AirPlay menu and select "iTunes" as your Output device.


How to connect Bluetooth earphones to Iphone?

Pair a third-party Bluetooth accessory with your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch

  1. On your device, go to Settings > Bluetooth and turn on Bluetooth. ...
  2. Place your accessory in discovery mode and wait for it to appear on your device. ...
  3. To pair, tap your accessory name when it appears on the screen.
  4. for more:-