There is so much to choose from, where to start? If you're dead set on bookshelf spks., you'll need quality stands. Min $100+. You could find floorstander/bookshelf's such as Paradigm's for well under your price range. If I was looking for a small bookshelf I would consider Energy XL-15's and Tannoy MX-1m's. Tannoy's would fall on the warmer side w/their newer model's, Fusion's, slightly more detailed. There really is a TON of choices. Older Mission spks. are very nice as well. B&W DM 302/303's etc, etc, ADS L400's. If you're considering a new spk., I thought the larger KEF bookshelf spk., (C300) was a very nice sounding spk. Retail $600. Perhaps Monitor Audio/PSB's as well. I wish you good hunting and try to hear my many as possibly. Be sure to buy a good stand as well. I use Plateau's.