ATC SCM 7 V.3 and

Hi, looking for speaker to replace my 15 y.o Sonus Faber Concertino Domus speaker, currently using Accuphase E-280 integrated amplifier in a small room of 11.4'x 9.5' x 8' (L x W x H)

Was looking for ATC, B&W speaker which is good match & synergy with E280.   Lately i read some poor review on B&W product quality especially the 600 series.  Now focus on ATC .

Would like to know if E280 capable to drive this ATC SCM7 v.3 , how's the synergy ?  My preferred music genres are Jazz, Classical, vocals, etc.

Any other recommended brand of speakers with Accuphase is welcomed based on similar setup and genres.




Tarun's review is always spot on that you might take a look.  I never own either of this but I adore ATC SCM 11 so much and have an eye on those.  I will be concerned with the 7's insensitivity (82 measured which is 2dB lower than the specified) so you might want to also look at Proac Bookshelf alternative which has similar tight / nimble bass. (although they are more expensive)

Your amp rated 90 watts 8 ohms...The small room would be a +.I am in a 13 by 10 room with the 19’s,but ss 200 aside modwright.I still feel i could get away with more power.I started with the 11’s and went 19’s because of the driver in the 19 and didnt want to coulda shoulda to be a factor in purchase.I would even think the 11’s would work great in the size room.I originally thought the 19 might be to much for the room,not so.The design of no port really show how well controlled they are.

Guys @lanx0003 @digsmithd thanks for your insight and sharing.   FYI, i just sold my 200W Krell KAV-400xi amp after moving to small room, otherwise it should easily drive SCM7.

I have asked ATC distributor,  they said E280 (damping factor 500) able to drive this speaker.  Just my little concern on lower bass frequency especially double bass or equivalent instruments may be hard to be auditioned