Maggie 3.6 Interconenct Upgrade

There is a lot of advertising, different forum comments, suggestions, etc. regarding the pins used by Magnepan to connect the crossover to the back of the Maggie 3.6 speakers.

The general opinion, based on what I have read, seems to be that the steel pins do not transmit the sound very well and one should upgrade to copper or silver interconnects.

My questions are three:

1. Is this really going to help on its own or should it be done in conjunction with a crossover upgrade?

2. The case is made that not using the steel pins helps to separate the crossover box from speaker frame vibrations which can distort the sound. Is this really audible?

3. Would all agree that the Mye stands are probably the most sonically noticable upgrade?

Thank you in advance for your learned responses!

Would you care to recommend any particular brand of fuses for upgrading?

Does this get into the copper or silver versus nickle or steel discussion?
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Hello Dsper - There are now a whole LOT of specialty fuses available from HIFi Tuning, Audio Magic, Furutech, Iso-Clean, and SYnergistic Research ( to name a few). I am not going to go into a metalurgy discussion here as every "audiophile" has his/her own opinion as to which is better. I happen to like the single-element approach that HiFi Tuning uses ( not a seperate "burn element" bonded to lead wires in the fuse), but that is ONLY my personal preference. Just remember to use fast blow fuses (3A and 5A) and not slow blow fuses of whichever one YOU choose. Enjoy!
I would be curious to hear if anyone has compared the HiFi Tuning fuses to the new Synergistic Quantum.

" I use thicker than lamp cord stranded copper wire for my speaker leads "

Try using the same for your x/o boxes and see what that does for you.