Replacement for Carver Crimson 275 to drive Maggi .7’s

Currently I’m using a Bob Carver Crimson 275 Tube Amp that sounds fantastic but hear I reach it’s ceiling while driving a set of Magnepan .7’s, so I’m considering swapping out the amp.

I know, I’ve read all the forms and reviews, etc.,about it’s flaws and misrepresentation but it ran my prior triangle bookshelves just fine, but now that I have these Maggi’s I feel and hear I’m not hearing their full potential being the lack of power & head room I experience as I turn up the volume, hearing where I feel I’ve reached the amp’s max.

I realize the importance of a premium Preamp but, currently I’m using a Parasound ZPre3 Preamp that works for my needs and at this time have no plans on switching out, possibly in the future but not now, so please lets not have this discussion go in that direction.

My last few amps have been Ch-Fi tube amps & a Marantz SR5010AVR but hands down I really enjoy the warm sound of a Tube Amp…

So here’s my dilemma … I’m looking to replace the Crimson with a more powerful SS Power Amp that will power up the Maggie’s with as close to a tube sound as possible without breaking the bank, used or new and am looking for advice from other Maggie Owners who could help.

My budget, I know is small at $2k so on the new side I’ve thought about a Adcom 565Se or a Parasound (a few models to choose from),but not sure if any of these are going to give me the sound I’d like. I’m also considering, when it comes out that is, should be approximately end of May 2022, upping my budget just a few and going with the “new” Audio by Van Alstine Vision Set Power Amp, only issue is due to supply chain issues, they really don’t know when it’ll be available.

My listening is generally 80% vinyl at around 77 to 80+dB and the rest is split between BluRay, Streaming or TV running through the bypass in the Parasound ZPRE3. Do not base a recommendation on that 20% being I’m being pretty conservative on that percentage.

Anyway, I could use and would certainly consider some used recommendations as well as new, but keep in mind my budget limit.

Thanks for listening and look forward to your assistance.



Thanks for the reply,
I understand the importance of the preamp, but the Parsound ZPre3 is what I’ve got for now, it does what I need and sounds pretty good and certainly in the future I plan to upgrade, just not now.  I did request in the original post that the discussion not go in the preamp direction, so if you have some insight on a specific power amp that meets my needs, I’d be happy to research it.

Parasound ZPre3

I understand that pre to be half decent. I think you can use it for now.