philips 963sa player

Power outage in apt seems to have caused this player not to turn on.Player was plugged into a tice power block which is working fine I was wondering can it be a fuse, I also noticed when I unplug unit the IEC inlet ground pin is missing can this cause a problem and should I replace it or just leave well enogh alone and just check the unit for a blown fuse. Ps if I do replace IEC inlet how do I determin the size for replacement? Thanks to all audiogoners for your response.
Have a qualified tech fix it as it may be more than the ground pin. Great unit.
My Philips 963SA went DOA after a couple of power shutoffs too. For now my fix was an Oppo DV-980H. Picture is about as good, and better when upconverting thru HDMI, and I like all sound better, plus it plays DVD-A.

Still not sure what to do with my dead 963SA either.
Oh, BTW, your IEC socket isn't "missing" the ground pin; that's just the way the unit is built and shipped, with an IEC-compatible 2-pin cord. The (now discontinued) Outlaw 950 Pre/Pro was the same way.