Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
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jon_5912 - I wholeheartedly agree. Jim not only was a master of his design craft, he applied tons of time to evaluating each component to identify where costs could be shaved without sacrificing performance. His performance / cost ratio was amazingly high - there's nothing superfluous and nothing dragging down the net result.

To put some practicals around that, in his last years, Thiel looked long and hard for someone to take on his role in the company. Serious, multi-pronged search, to no avail. One big disconnect was finding anyone who 'got' the time-phase coherence thing to the point of cooperating, Another was finding someone willing to slog through the value engineering. It would be easy to double the cost with very little performance advancement.

thieliste - I don't think so. The only components of real concern are the electrolytic caps. Thiel used high-performance, high-temperature, long-life Ecaps with a normal use horizon of 40 years. 'Normal' is a slippery target, but Rob has said the only failed caps he's seen are in conjunction with mis-use of some king. 

You have bypassed 3x100uF 'lytics in the midrange resonance shunt. You also have a bypassed 75uF 'lytic in the tweeter shunt circuit. Replacing that one with a good PP would probably produce some sonic upgrade.

There were 2 revisions for the 3.7, rev1: 12jan08, rev2: 9dec08. So yours would be final form.

Excellent guidance and information for CS 3.7 loudspeakers, Guys.


Happy Listening!