ATC SCM 7 V.3 and

Hi, looking for speaker to replace my 15 y.o Sonus Faber Concertino Domus speaker, currently using Accuphase E-280 integrated amplifier in a small room of 11.4'x 9.5' x 8' (L x W x H)

Was looking for ATC, B&W speaker which is good match & synergy with E280.   Lately i read some poor review on B&W product quality especially the 600 series.  Now focus on ATC .

Would like to know if E280 capable to drive this ATC SCM7 v.3 , how's the synergy ?  My preferred music genres are Jazz, Classical, vocals, etc.

Any other recommended brand of speakers with Accuphase is welcomed based on similar setup and genres.




Since you have mentioned the high damping factor (DF) of your amp and the uncertainty on the 7’s bass performance, the combination of two might produce bass notes on the leaner side and sometimes might affect the midrange too. Remember 7’s freq. response is 60Hz-22kHz at +-6dB already and you could probably imagine how will the bass notes be perceived under well-controlled amplification. I like tight bass but not overly tight because it will sound lean. To give you an example that I do have actual experience with. I own Parasound NC 2125 (DF = 150 at 20Hz) and A23 (DF over 800). Both are class A/B rated 125 wpc into 8 Ohm. From the same speakers (NHT Sb3), the bass with A23 is tighter, cleaner but less weighty than the bass with NC 2125 in an absolute term. The effect on my main speakers, Wharfedale Linton Heritage, is similar. Linton has tighter bass so I match it with NC 2125, and Sb3 is with A23. This works out well for me.

The other coveat is, as Tarun points out, Scm 7 is ideal for near-field, desktop settitng. With even small size room setting, I will consider upgrading to at least Scm 11 ($900 more). The soundstage of Scm is modest, not particularly wide as compared to other speakers with dispersion tweeter driver. So you will need to place them further away to acquire better soundstage. In a room setting with due separation, I am afraid 7’s will probably not perform to your satisfaction.

@yogiboy LS3/5a was my shortlisted speakers like Harbeth, Rogers, etc. But they are above $1800 budget . Will scout for used perhaps, I like musical speaker , listening to music, natural timbre and not equipment. thanks for your recommendation 

@lanx0003 thanks for your advise on damping factor on bass impact.  I am not lean on bass, just that I hope E280 / SCM7 can produce as wide frequency range as possible.  I will go for audition soon and will see .

Talking about near field, I am sitting less than 2m from Sonus Faber Concertino Domus with 2.2m between the speakers with slight toe in.  

These Falcon Acoustics Q7 are sold factory direct and are within your budget. My nephew owns the larger IMF 100s and they are outstanding. They are sold in both kit or finished. They might be worth looking into!

Here is a review!

Its really close to my specs room know what you want out of your system...Good stands and setup properly you may achieve a great sound stage with the scm 7.They may surprise you.Option to upgrade would be good.

I ended up toeing in enough to eliminate 1st reflection/just over shoulder.