dust protection for turntables

Most higher-end turntables do not have built-in hinged covers. So what do people use to keep dust off their TTs when they’re not being played? Those large molded plastic covers that fit over and around the whole plinth? A silk scarf from Hermes? What's the most ingenious solution you're used or come across?


I use a feather duster...sort of...every now and then. No dustcover of any kind. I also place a round piece of thin plastic with a center hole over spindle to keep dust of my Stein music mat. The plastic came from the packaging of a record mat. You just need to be mindful of the stylus/cantilever at all times while dusting, not that big a deal really.


I've had dust covers made for a Well Tempered table and an Acoustic Signature Hurricane NEO. Excellent workmanship and highly recommended!


Acrylic Turntable Dust Covers (stereosquares.com)

I bought a used $30 radioshack smoke-colored hinged cover and I just let the hinge tabs hang off the back of my Dual 1019 turntable. It’s close enough that if I place it just right I can cover the table when NOT in use. When playing a record I just pull it off and lean it against the wall until I’m done playing records - like one of the original United Audio 1019 covers!

Recently I bought some extra ebay plexiglass so that I could fine-tune the fitment. Plexiglass can be glued together by just wetting both pieces with acetone. I also bought a $10 DUAL aluminum logo to glue over the existng RS logo! I didn’t want to pay $150 for a custom clear plexiglass cover.

It is OUTRAGEOUS that these expensive Turntables are sold without dust Protection. Shamefull!

What's the problem with getting a DUST cover? Because it keeps off.....you know.......DUST.