Power cable upgrade or sideways move?

I recently changed my interconnects and speaker cables to Transparent Super Gen 5, and I am really enjoying the results. I’m thinking of switching over my power cables to Transparent as well. I’m currently using an original JPS Labs Power AC on my Levinson ML 383, and original JPS Labs Digital AC on my Krell cd player. I’ve read that both the ML and Krell have AC filtering within their power sections and that using power cables with additional filtering may provide less than favorable results. With that in mind, I was thinking of going with the Transparent High Performance Power Cord as there is no AC filtering network. Do you think going from my current JPS Labs power cables to the Transparent High Performance power cables would be an improvement or sideways move?


Over the last year I upgraded all my cables, interconnects, and power cords (see my system under ID). I have contemporary (Gen 6? 5?) Transparent Ultra. On power cords, I compared WireWorld, Cardas (several levels), DH Labs, JPS, and Transparent. The Transparent won… making a noticable difference. But the big one has been the amp power cord. It makes by far the biggest difference. Here Transparent didn’t win… and I believe it is because I was not using the XL… made for amps. The Cardas improved bass… but attenuated the detail. I really struggled for months. Finally my audio guy brought over an Audio Quest Monsoon… that made a big improvement over the Cardas and Transparent. The Monsoon makes a huge difference. The difference I hear in the amp power cord is 3 or 4 times the difference in components.


The state of the art is to get power cords made for the purpose… low current apps… like a DAC… where noise reduction is key.. or high current… like an amp. So, if I were you, I would start with the amp. I would try a Transparent XL made for an amp. I suspect if I had tried this first it might have been my choice.


Good power cable manufacturers have their secret technique to improve the cable properties to improve the sound quality and it does not matter whether they tell you what it is because the end results are the same. Most of the time the price is a good indicator of how good the sound is going to be.



My point-of-contact for Transparent Audio is (Audio Advice) Raleigh NC.

This is a Top tier TA dealer/retailer. Ask for Mel.

Let me know how the consultation resulted.


Happy Listening!