It is quite difficult to audition cartridges, particularly because they are in a system that is totally different from one's own. I have a local dealer that will allow trusted customers to take home and try certain cartridges that are in the store, but that must be nerve-wracking for all concerned. I think he even allowed someone to take home an ultra expensive Allaerte cartridge. So, at best, one hears a cartridge or family of cartridges in familiar systems to get an idea about the sound; after that it is sort of a crap shoot and a matter of making other system adjustments to get the sound right.
What is "right" might also depend on the music and one's mood. The truly dedicated might actually swap cartridges or have multiple arms or tables. I am not so dedicated to analogue, so I stick with one cartridge for a long time, even if I have two quite different sounding cartridges (Lyra Titan and Transfiguration Orpheus L).
I think you have a very good analogue rig, so it certainly deserves a great cartridge. At best I can only say I have heard, and liked cartridges from the following brands: Lyra, Dynavector, Audio Technica, Ortofon, Koetsu, Allaerte, and van den Hul.