Has anyone heard the newest version of the Klispschhorm?

I watched a YouTube of Robyn of Robyatt Audio. 
A long standing Quad 57 man, he has taken the ESS rebuild to the max now with a new, fairly extreme wooden frame. 
Very interesting that in this video he abandons his push of the Quads and now raves about the new Klipschhorns. Even saying that they are the best speaker regardless of price!

The new KHs are now in much improved enclosures with sealed backs making them now best away from corners into the room. But what about the sharp, honking sound of the horns? But for a diehard Quad guy to now say that the new KHs are better than the $100K+…? I was also a diehard Quad guy until I decided that I wanted bass and treble, and most of all, dynamics! There is no question that the KHs are that. I never owned KHs but did once have Heresys. I will never forget that blaring tweeter!


@ sns.  As they say in hot rodding: "There's no substitute for cubic inches". In this case, there's no substitute for larger midrange throat area.

Surely, Ralph, your Classic Audio Horns are a different world than Khorns?

Have you heard the 75th Anniversary ones?


I was commenting more about the issue you raised regarding

sharp, honking sound of the horns

Which IME isn't a thing. If its a properly designed horn, it will be musical as long as the source is musical. Horns have controlled directivity, which allows you to minimize early reflections from side walls (which the ear interprets as harshness). So if set up right they are often smoother than regular midrange and tweeter drivers.

Surely, Ralph, your Classic Audio Horns are a different world than Khorns?

Have you heard the 75th Anniversary ones?

To the former: they are! To the latter: I don't think so; I heard a set of Klipsch speakers at AXPONA which featured a very large midrange horn and they were quite good. Big, dynamic, open, detailed and smooth- easy to like 😀

Do you know of other excellent options? 😇

@bouncehit since you asked, I'm using our class D amps on my Classic Audio Loudspeakers and they work quite nicely together!


As they say in hot rodding: "There's no substitute for cubic inches"

I always heard that as, "There's no replacement for displacement."

Superchargers and turbos do accomplish the same without increase in displacement, but then the old saw as to no replacement for displacement could still hold as one could add supercharger or turbo and the greater displacement together.  But speaking of power, I have 8wpc and 18wpc amps, seems I'm into under powered scooters!