Anyone catch 7 Myths of Digital at AXPONA?

Did anyone see Arjuna Das at AXPONA yesterday?  His talk 7 Myths of Digital Audio Dispelled?

He gave such insights as "ALAC sounds better on Mac, FLAC sounds better on Windows" and "streaming sounds the worst." (Paraphrasing on the latter).

He seemed to have a handle on DAC engineering, so some of these superstitions seemed odd coming from him. Seemed like a nice enough guy so I didn't want to debate during his talk. 

Ag insider logo xs@2xjji666

I suspect Benjamin sold to Das. I had previously noticed they were ending direct sales model, moving to dealer model. Also, recently spoke with Benjamin in regard to possible purchase of Deja Vu server, he stated there were no plans for future production. These changes led me to suspect changes were afoot there, this seems to confirm that.

Yes their website is full of references to cancelled products. They make it sound like it's due to great demand, but not sure how that correlates. 

I reached out to Ben today. Ben is still the owner of Mojo Audio, but he recently changed his name to Arjuna Das.

Mojo wasn’t sold or isn’t going out of business. He’s stated he’s expanding his operations.

I wish him luck. I had his v3 Mystique, and have had the EVO BVB for a while now. I love it. His next gen dac is launching soon and I will probably give it a try.