An upgrade ? From Sonus Faber to Harberh speaker

Hi fellow audiogon forumers.  Of late, I scouted an used Harbeth C7ES2 speaker.  Was wondering if this would be ideal to replace my 17 years old Sonus Faber Concertino Domus ?

Generally , I listen to vocals,  jazz, classical and few new age music, warm and musical at low volume listening are my preference.

I have read through some past review on Audiogon and other websites.  C7ES2 is a mostly acceptable and recognised full range speaker.

If you have similar path experience, would like to hear your advise and sharing. 



Depends on what you have driving them upstream.

The philosophy is clear. An affordable speaker with decent amplification and source makes more sense than an expensive speaker with a cheap amp and source.


I am not familiar with Sonus Faber Concertino Domus but switched from the Sonus Faber Grand Piano Concerto to a Harbeth many years ago. i don’t have experience with the C7ES2 but have listened to the C7ES3. I don’t know how the C7ES2 compare to the ES3 but the latter was said to be a better sounding speaker.

Personally I would suggest to go with the C7ES3 if you can find a used pair. The Harbeth C7ES3 sounds more balanced, refined and detailed than the Sonus Faber. I find the Sonus Faber Grand Piano Concerto to be rolled off in the treble and lacks clarity and detail. The SF sounds overly warm but matches well with upfront and/or bright sounding amps such as the Krell KAV-300i. The guy who bought my Grand Piano Concerto uses a KAV-300i and the match between the Krell and Sonus Faber was pretty good.

Typically older Sonus Faber of that era were a bit warm and less detailed. Todays Sonus Faber are still extremely natural and musical, but with outstanding detail, exceptional speakers. My dealer / friend sells both and by far prefers Sonus Faber. I have owned Cremona, Olympica 3, and currently Amati Traditional. I have heard speakers many times the cost of mine… I consistently value the natural musicality of Sonus Faber.