Vintage Integrated Amplifiers With Great Sound

Unusual situation is going to require me getting an integrated amplifier. Buying something that will satisfy me in a current range of production is simply going to cost a lot more than I want to spend. 

What vintage integrated amps from, say the 70's-80's-90's can be found at relative bargain prices, but provide really good sound quality? 

Any thoughts or recommendations appreciated. Thanks in advance. 


What vintage integrated amps from, say the 70's-80's-90's can be found at relative bargain prices, but provide really good sound quality? 

Not many, what is your budget and what loudspeakers are you driving. 

+1 to @russ69

Without prejudice to his post merits, be also cognizant of the fact the “vintage” just means “old”. Old amps all suffer eventually from unavoidable, necessary, and expensive upgrades for failing capacitors et al. Some units can no longer be repaired today because replacements for failed old model printed circuit boards first introduced back then, are no longer available.

A local tech just told me that he just had two instances of failed “vintage” KRELL amps that now fall into this shitehole for their stunned owners.

CAVEAT EMPTOR: In his words, they are now “ boat anchors”.

Bargain and "Vintage" demand alot of time, $ and skill to bring them up to a level to enjoy with confidence  ...I have restored many a "vintage" Ham Radio equipment, mostly Hallicrafters 1920/30's/50's and early 60's as well as my Scott is an effort not for the faint of heart...I always shoot for mint + conditions and it is an exceptionally slow and laborious process...

Chassis stripped, parts inventoried, sourcing new parts to replace known failure Components and components identified as suspect...and hardware/silkscreen/paint...then re-wire, re assembly, tune and test...

Is it worth it, for sure...I enjoy brining the old stuff back to life and actually using them...are they as "good" as equipment today? From a sound perspective, I think the vintage stuff just has different attributes of sound, a different caliber of sound...but be prepared for the upkeep and frustration of sourcing parts...

Good luck in your decision

Generally anything vintage that is in good shape and has superior sound will cost you as much if not more than buying modern gear. And, if it is not in great shape then you will end up spending so much on it to bring it up to spec that you again will be at or above the level of modern gear. I have had multiple older McIntosh, Yamaha, Luxman, Sansui and other brands from the 60s-70s. Buying and maintaining them ended up costing just as much as new gear and often resulted in gear that used modern replacement parts anyway thus defeating the benefit/sound delivery of buying vintage. While I have kept a few Mac pieces I have gotten rid of most of the rest with the exception of a few piece I hold just with the idea that one day I will get them restored. I got those from a friend for free so I figure I can afford to do that. Otherwise, I have simply gone to modern gear. You dont mention your budget so I will say that you can buy some restored Mac gear from Audio CLassics if you like that sound. Similarly there are shops out there in NY and NJ that sell quality used gear. But unless you have the time and skills to do your own work, be aware that it is harder and harder to find parts, good techs and labor costs add up quickly. I have also seen where certain types of buyers are hungup on vintage mid-fi gear and have driven prices on this stuff thru the roof, frequently in excess of actual value or price vs sound quality. I have mostly moved to buying new or recent gently used gear that I know or believe will have a longer period of trouble free operation. Audiogon is a good source for that.stuff and everything I have bought here has worked out well. Good luck.