These fans are remnants of past experiences years ago ... you have no clue about my ACTUAL audio room.. Why do you stick on these old images?
And you know nothing save sarcasm... I apologized to you post above because i think i was rude... 😁😊
You know nothing in acoustic, what is a reflective surface ? What do you think aluminum do for a part of the spectrum?
Ok forget me, i dont discuss with idiot that mock me..And i dont like free sarcasms from someone who think he knows better and who is manifestly ignorant ..
No more apology...
Let’s assume your speakers are already well damped. A good design by the manufacturer. You say I’m simplistic, but you have made a complex mess.
By the way do you think it is difficult to put concrete in a speaker and listen the result?
Only an idiot can say that my speakers are a mess WITHOUT listening them..
Only an ignorant can think that most speakers eliminate all resonance...