Vintage Integrated Amplifiers With Great Sound

Unusual situation is going to require me getting an integrated amplifier. Buying something that will satisfy me in a current range of production is simply going to cost a lot more than I want to spend. 

What vintage integrated amps from, say the 70's-80's-90's can be found at relative bargain prices, but provide really good sound quality? 

Any thoughts or recommendations appreciated. Thanks in advance. 


among those i've owned the hk pm665 and kenwood ka7100 sound vg. likewise the 80s kyocera receivers (861, 661) are great and hugely undervalued.

Is 2006 considered Vintage?

My Cayin A88T Integrated Tube Amp is nearly the newest item in my main system, the 2009 SACD player is the newest. Well I have one newer tonearm.

Wonderful Sound, Terrific Build Quality

I needed original version that has 16 ohm taps for my 16 ohm speakers. Sadly it does not have external biasing. Later ones without 16 ohm taps, have easy biasing meter.

I chose based on this 6moons review