everything sounded great until the upgrade

In short: I loved the sound of my modest system, until I upgraded my amp. Now it  sounds pretty horrible. It went from a warm sweet embracing easy-to-listen sound to knives and forks trying to escape from a bathtub.


1. I can just unplug this new amp (used) and sell it

Any other options? I could upgrade my speakers but I have no budget for that.

2. I could sell the speakers and use money to buy used ones that go with the amp. 

3. Lastly I could change the source, but was it the culprit - to begin with?

btw - the sound of the "new" amp is decent with my turntable, and terrible with my CD player.

(If I wrote brands and models it would throw the discussion into "A sucks, B is great")



I like your asvjerry

It remind me of the posts of the banned oldmechanic...

I hope you will not be banned...

I should not have started with the implications of domestic dispute over audio gear. But I must not have been the first one on this forum worried about the happy wife-sweet sounding system balance

@mahgister , *wry G* our AG Overlords didn't agree with you on one obviously deleted post...didn't approve of an 'edgy' turn of thought over SAF v. implied demise apparently.

Oh, well.... even great chefs occasionally 'bomb' a dish, so if I dish a bomb there's those who clean up after us....*shrug*  And send the "...stop that *bitch slap* " email over it.  Their forum, their rules, their oversight; trip up, clean up act until the next infraction....

I make no claims on perfection, in life nor audio.

Happily, my spouse enjoys my audio activities overall.  And as long as there's one system that she can 'light up' without a pre-flight checklist, she's good to go. *S*

But thanks for the OHMec reference...I lack his past, but can aspire to create an echo or 3 in the void left behind.  Nobody likes everybody all of the time, and I certainly am an example of that simple fact.
Nor strive to be vanilla in a rocky road world, not in this DNA slushy....

Like most, holding a mental breath to see if one man decides to become the most hated fool on the planet over a desire to further waste lives and real estate.
Politics aside, there's a nastier end game awaiting if we don't start acting like one species v. tattered tribes tormenting each other...

Thanks again.... ;)

at 1:06 AM EDT 5.1.22, I wish y'all a happy May Day and give up on 'this' day...

'Ciao, J

Like most, holding a mental breath to see if one man decides to become the most hated fool on the planet over a desire to further waste lives and real estate.
Politics aside, there's a nastier end game awaiting if we don't start acting like one species v. tattered tribes tormenting each other...

You are very grounded on earth...

My deepest respect....

I would have said "that's dark" a few years ago but in the sci-fi we live in, reason can be a pleasant surprise :)