You are buying audio to listen to it, not to put a meter on it and measure it. Obviously how it sounds is the most important thing. In my own case I recently bought a Lindeman Limetree Bridge, even after it was lambasted by ASR, why, it sounded wonderful, it still sounds wonderful. It was lambasted for high distortion, well I doubt anybody could hear 10x the distortion or even a 100x the distortion it was criticised for. We are in the zone of analysis paralysis. ASR criticised the Bluesound Node similarly, there of hundreds of thousands sold and 99% of people are probably completely satisfied. There is a great story about washing machines (sort of) a well known speaker on product quality in the 1980's showed a slide to the audience with data from experts on washing machines. They concluded which was the best washing machine. He then asked the audience who owned a washing machine, he then asked them what they thought the best brand was, the outstanding vote was Maytag. Maytag was not the best according to the experts. At the end of the presentation he asked people who didn't have a current machine or were unhappy with their present machine what brand they would buy? Overwhelmingly they said Maytag. Because they trust the people that have got them, more than the people who measure them. Trust yourself and how it sounds to you, there is no one else who can predict that, no matter how many reviews or how many measurements.