Any Decemberists fans out there?

I have to admit that they are not what anyone would consider "audiophile" quality but damn, Colin Meloy can create an earworm for me. I've been listening to "Crain Wife" and "Lake Song" lately and can't get it out of my head. Colin is amazing!


I am a fan of singer/songwriters in general so it makes sense to me to enjoy Decemberists. Also, I like music that tells a story and Colin is certainly one for that!

Yeah - love The Decemberists. One of my favorite performances of Colin is him singing Blues Run the Game from Inside Llewyn Davis. Great pipes.

Big fan. If you don’t have it, get Colin Meloy "Sings Live" on vinyl.

@slaw  - Thanks for the reco. Streaming Colin Meloy - "Sings Live" now via Spotify. Unfortunately the vinyl is now too expensive for me...

I would say they are definitely audiophile quality. Everything they have released is beautifully recorded. And live? Sonically stunning.

I will second the assertion that they are and have been one the most original bands of the last 20 years. Every recording was filled with wonderful songwriting and musical artistry. Sure, I'm just another opinion on the internet but I spent years as a professional musician (albeit non-famous and relatively low paid) and studio assistant both in analog days as well as digital before finally making a better living as a software engineer. So I like to think I know a little about quality audio and talent. :-)

Fantastic band!