Recommendation all-rounded speaker (small room)

Hi audiogon forumers,

I listen to variety of music genres from slow, lazy to fast music, jazz, classical to pop/rock depends on mood.

Thus, I need your humble opinion to recommend all-rounded speaker to fit my small listening room (12' x 10' x 9' , W x D x H).  Currently using Accuphase AB amplifier, source from Roon via Intel NUC/Auralic.

I am eyeing at SCM 11 with great interest.  Anyone other recommendation is very welcome.


@newbee Unfortunately not in my listening room, I listened to both SCM7 and SCM 11 at distributor showroom, slighly bigger than mine by 20% , both are quite well performed, I prefer the latter as it may be easier to drive with larger volume. 

Easiest to drive : REFERENCE 3a MM De Capo ( 92db efficiency)

personal taste: HARBETH ,,, tailor which model to your room  size and speaker placement options therein for optimum choice


All round speaker? Cabasse but they are more than round, they are spherical. 

Considering your listening preferences, I’d audition Small spendor sa1 or harbeth p3esr speakers.