How do you make a final decision on a DAC

Thank you all for helping me along the way. I've been trying to decide on a DAC for my 2 channel system. I listen to JUST R&R  60's, 70's, 80's more or less and stream from my windows based Pc Via Amazon HD (which I really enjoy)  loudly currently through my Benchmark DAC 3B, and my Audiolab 6000 Transport. Associated equipment:  Should be here this week after waiting 7 months, ATI amp, 6002, Benchmark Line amp LA-4, Tekton SE Double Impacts and an SVS sb 4000 sealed sub. Really enjoy.  A ceiling of 5K is somewhat available, # 1 choice is Denafrips Terminator 2, (a little nervous as once you order it's yours) Audio Mirror Tubadour 3 SE, Aqua La Voce 3.  Don't really want a preamp/Dac combo, just a DAC. Listen in a very large shop area with great acoustics. ( just by chance.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Pulling hair out at this point, what little there is.  Thanks as always    Robert TN   ps service is a big priority!!!!


I won't mention brands, because you seem to have good options. 

Here's what you might consider: ask yourself, "What music might I be listening to in the future that I don't listen to now?" and then try out the DAC's with those genres.

For example, I do expect to increase my listening to classical music, beyond my jazz and rock. So, a DAC that does well with classical provides future possibilities that are worth testing now.

Thank you for your response. to 2psyop   You will love your Double impacts, I have had mine for about 2years, NO regrets what so ever. They offer dynamics, punch, clarity, openness,  precision. It may be a shop area, but, it is my primary listening area.  I have tractors, excavators, motorcycles etc. in the general area, but in the area I listen, it is somewhat removed. I don't know why but, the Acoustics are just wonderful. I have a secondary system in the house that sounds good, but not nearly as good as the shop area. Shop is 30' x60'   Listening area is in a n area 20 x30'    On the second note from chayro, you may be right on R&R and the Benchmark.  On the outboard Benchmark DAC, when added, it made a world of difference. No exaggeration. Was just hoping to further that experience with something more expensive and maybe more revealing. Thanks

My take: there is no silver bullet playbook here. Either option can work with no assurance of success or disappointment.

(1) You get what you pay for in most circumstances- coughing up for a stand-alone DAC stsrting going north of $3K is where the differentiation starts to really matter in terms of audio digital performance satisfaction . But that is also with high regard that one has the worthy requisite finess and resolution in the accompanying system to warrant it.

(2) Build quality matters … full stop. Choose wisely, and ignore any temptation of the current low to mid tier marketing flow ads that a lowly or bottom price-point are Goliath killers that assure you all you want and expect. The only thing that goes with the flow are dead fish.

(3) OEM technical setup and problem support for DACS and digital players is hyper-critical. Far too many of both amp-DAC unibox units as well as stand-alone DAC options may really suck in support. They can leave the user trying to sort it out himself with big trouble, and feeling like a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest and very frustrated.

(4) With reference to (2) above, try to audition at least some of your contenders and pretenders first. And strongly then consider buying pre-owned to save a lot.

Brand new “Latest “ brands and models is no assurance of a Yellow Brick Road to audio OZ Go check out how many of the current flavour of the day brand options now appear in the various forum FOR SALE LISTINGS after high expectations from new.

This is a journey of experimentation, experience, and rolled up sleeves rather than any fast destination. Forum member testimonials of certain brands and models may help, but intuitively they have a high measure of personal bias of performance that may or may not be symbiotic with your bespoke system

two points to you op

your benchmark is a very good dac, clean crisp and clear, if you want something that presents music differently, you should speak to that, and others may recommend options for changing...

btw, as you can tell, there are some shills here, shills gonna shill..