Why Do You Post?

I come here to poke fun ONLY... No need for tech talk. AG could care less. I'm trying to draw the TROLLS out.. I'm bored.

This is what someone posted in an active thread.  I'm dumbfounded!

I come to Audiogon to learn and share information, keep abreast of audiophile happenings and to gain exposure or insight into music.  I thought I was in the majority camp of users, but based upon the above quote, could be I'm not.


I find this entire forum to be a pit of vipers.
Such hostility and insolence is rampant in these pages and posts.

Some with good intent only fan the flames and seek to keep intact their internet fiefdom.

To date I have only found a few useful posts that were interlaced with neo political retorts and ad hominiem attacks. 

I have seen in these pages where a select group of people attack other mercilessly because they have a differing opinion or ideology. 

I am not a fan of ASR but the there are some here that are no better than that group or the folks at SH Forums.




What is exposed in this particular post, is a lack of understanding or meaning, of this singular word ’lore’ - where the post pivots around the use of the word lore.


What I mean by lore, is the typical use, I noticed you frequently do, of for lack of a better term, fake or misused science. Much of it seems made up, but misapplication is also rife, i.e. using concepts that have some factual basis, but are totally irrelevant because the effect is so small. Repeating an untruth repeatedly does not make it true.

I post here for audio related matters but got tired and fed up with all the ones who wanted to turn this into some version or chapter of their facebook page with all the attendant misgivings of their lives, bringing all manner of anger and resentment. 

I just got sick and tired of it all and spoke up. The ones who complain about it are the biggest hypocrites around, acting like this is some safe place for their ids, only to find out that once the poop hit the fan and the mods had to get into it, the real miscreants and bullies were banished. I don't miss them one bit. Case closed.

Reading whart's post brought back fond memories of how this site used to run. That's a bygone era. Too bad for us.

All the best,

Lets face it, if we only relied on paid professional reviews we would all own the same gear. I mean the same equipment manufactures are reviewed by the mags month after month.

At least here we get a chance to read about other audiophiles actual experience with equipment not mentioned in the paid reviews and perhaps we can actually afford. To me that is priceless.


I read here and whatsbestforum for user experiences, ideas, brand awareness, etc. Some good questions or topics are posed. I appreciate the insights of professionals such as the late almarg, and audio industry professional like the dealers. What is also interesting is marketing behavior from end users, whether or not they receive material compensation. There is particular good group of analog posters, whom I find very useful.

OWG is fine, but I do not miss the angry OWGs. Audiogon has been around before them, and I have been here long enough to see this kind thing flare up and burn out. It is not surprising some of them are gone now.. Best not to shine a light on them, positive or negative, though. Best to move on.